Monday, June 27, 2011

Stop. Hammer Time

Who will not absolutely LOVE this fitspo for tonight?!?!?  Dear Chicken, are you done cooking yet?! I finally went food shopping tonight and got a few things.  Well about $40 worth of shit and dang, it doesn't go far at all.  :(  I forgot my yogurt this morning so I was eating veggies in the "window" at work and had like a very small handful of almonds and a scoop of mashed potatoes but everything was accounted for, everything was measured/weighed and I am HAPPY b/c my macros are; 1569/24/114/216 AND listen up Mr. Trainer. sodium is at 878!! woop wooop! I think this is something I need to work on too not eating so much junk with sodium in it.  I met with Mr. Trainer the other day and he was very confused as to how I could be consuming so much sodium.  (100 calorie popcorn?).  In looking back it's the random shit I eat, 1/4 of a sausage here, a meatball, garbanzo beans so..yes the randomness of my daily life.  I think, honestly bc I was talking to my dear friend Kristin today that I just do not want life to be robotic.  I do not want to say ok, 6 ounces of chicken and 2 cups of broccoli at noon, then 6 ounches of chicken and 6 ounces of carrots at 3, and blah blah blah BORING.  I need spice in my life, I am a spicy, zesty Italian chick and I do no want me life to be so monotonous that I want to kill people.  Do you understand what I mean?  I mean who the hell gets excited about eating the same shit, day after day, week after week for the rest of their life?! Sorry for those who can do it, I'm not at all hatin, I am just saying that is NOT me.

One more thing about today- so let me tell you about Applebee's sizzling apple pie.  For one thing it's fucking delicious, on the other hand it's obviously extremely bad for you, but when it's in the freezer there are little/ sometimes bigger, absolutely DELICIOUS balls of crumbs that have clumped together.  On my cheat day I ate some and today I had the craving for some more right before my shift was over.  I literally walked into the freezer, pulled out the tray it was on and was about to scoop them into my hand but I stopped.  I said to myself, (rather quickly ), do you need this? do you really want this? this is not clean, put it down, do not eat this, you do not want this.  There it was, decision made, I didn't eat them although I really really wanted to.....

So I am doing what works for me, eating as I go, making sure I eat every 3-4 hours and making sure, now more so than before to not eat a ton of calories in 1 sitting.  I really want to make progress from here on out and I know that measuring/weighing and planning are going to be the three major tools to that!  You know what? I can do all of that!!

Let me also just rant about something really quick.  Facebook was intended to "connect faces" and lately it has been attracting drama.  I am not quite sure why people seem to think they need to make status' about other people without directly confronting them on things.  Maybe it;'s the SW in me that needs to confront rather than hide behind defense mechanisms but people are worrying WAY too much about other people's lives and not enough about their own.  Being a non-drinker has definitely put me in a minority category as much as it doesn't bother me what bothers me is that people are no longer trying to see things from their point of view.  They see it tunnel visioned, through their own lenses and refuse to take them off to see the bigger picture.  It's pathetic and it makes me feel good for being able to do what I want to do without having to feel embarrassed or upset that people will make fun of me.  I weighed my chicken and romaine, Parmesan cheese, tomatoes and pico de gallo before it went in my mouth.  I get weird looks from people but do I care? Absolutely not, because in the end I am going to be super happy with what I have accomplished and that's what life should be about.  It should be about making yourself happy and then attending to everyone else.  Let's face it if you aren't happy with yourself and who you are no one else is going to either!


  1. Hey! :)
    I was reading your stuff and I want to know if you have some books to help me to count my food to and start eating differently... Step by step! :)

    However, I like the part when you talked about facebook and the openning mind about some people. :)

    Good night!

  2. Hello Kyn! I have a ton of books I bought about eating etc. I have Tosca Ren's "The Eat Clean Diet" Elizabeth Somers "Eat your way to happiness" and a volumetrics book too that explains how to eat more with more volume of better food choices. I have learned a long the way, becuase I used to have a binge eating problem (2 sometimes 3 days a week) where I would eat over 3000 calories and then counter react it with over exercise. Def a mind set that you need to be willing to change!
