Sunday, June 26, 2011

Cheating makes me SICK!

My fitspo for today is Jen Jewell whom placed 2nd and turned pro yesterday!  She is so inspirational, looks amazing and after what happened to me yesterday has definitely changed my mind about eating.  
I thought that yesterday might be the happiest day of my life, I got to eat fries all day, had some tortilla chips, then came to my other job with my family and ate goulash and ice cream cake for my sisters birthday.  So techniqually I didn't really eat that many different things, it was just the volume of the SAME things.  I was on my second serving of goulash and feeling like I was about 4 months pregnant.  After I finished the cake I was hittin around 6 months pregnancy.  For real, I was so bloated all I could do was think about going home and laying down.  That's exactly what I did too, didn't even take off my coat, layed on my bed.  Then I got up and walked around and felt nauseous.  Before I took a shower and went to bed at 8:30pm I almost puked.  GROSS. I can't believe it got to that point!  

Today is a new day and to reflect on yesterday if I could re-do it I would change this whole cheat day into a cheat meal which is probably closer to what I am supposed to be doing.  I really didn't do too bad with macros, as far as I know.  It's a total guess b/c I didn't weigh anything and I was almost not even going to track it but I ended up at 1945/76/203/112 and 72 grams of sugar so I am really not quite sure what made me so sick, honestly I think it was all of the sodium and the sugar together.  I weighed myself and I was at 135 which I was surprised but not extremely shocked.  I thought it would be higher bc of the sodium but I ate all the fries in the earlier part of the day and then sugar later and I didn't drastically intake on calorie consumption so 3 pound gain I will accept.  

Now I feel as if I am getting really close to this competition.  I know it's only July (almost) but I want to be ready and having cheat days that leave me hanging over the toilet isn't going to help me.  Although, the way I look at it is like this.  Lets rewind to before I started working with my trainer, I was on a vicious binge cycle and a binge would literally look 2x as worse than this!  For example, I am going to take a minute and find a day where I binged and tracked it and you will be absolutely shocked! Ok this would be a cheat day example, July 4th last year 3462/108/438/119 !!!  Now this makes me super happy bc this just shows me that I have come a very long way from this!!

Today I plan on working out (so excited), keeping my eating clean and just enjoying the day and my stomach not being so bloated that it looks like I am 6 months pregnant!  Jen is such an inspiration and I want to be able to post pics next month with visible progress!  I have about 3 weeks before I post new pics!  Plenty of time to hit it HARD!!!