Monday, June 27, 2011


I love this fitspo today!  Look at those girls! I know they didn't get those bodies by eating whatever they wanted and not working out!  Today I need to commit to making some more changes with my eating habits.  I know I hate measuring every little thing but it needs to be done.  Most of the time people do not comment, especially at work b/c they already know I am a nut job with this shit.  I need to plan like my trainer tells me to do all the time and I need to eat every 3 hours to make sure I don't get hunger pangs.  I know for myself that when I actually follow everything I just mentioned above I feel so much better!  My goal is to continue the weight loss every week and also to make sure that when I take pictures again that I can SEE the changes.  Right now, a week or so after and that damn "cheat" day did me no good.  So I also need to find ways to conquer my cravings during the week with healthier versions so I don't need a cheat day.  After what happened this Saturday I no longer want to even call it a cheat day, I don't want to do that to my body ever again but also, I am a realist and I am not going to sit here and tell you that I won't ever eat white bread again or I won't ever have a piece of cake.  Some people can drop all of that stuff completely but for me it's not about eliminating.

Either way, the next 7 days I am in a challenge to eat clean, which I already screwed up without realizing it bc this morning I had strawberries with the walden farms choc syrup and light whipped cream.  Not exactly clean at all,  BUT to me, that's how I am going to take care of my sweet tooth for today.  I think the bigger challenge for me will be to measure/weight/track accurately, making sure I am eating every 3 hours and hitting my macros 100%  I want to jump on that scale Saturday and be happy to see a solid 131-132 that is my goal and I am going to work hard for it!!!! Hope everyone has a FANTASTIC DAY! Time to get ready to workout!!

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