Monday, June 20, 2011


Life is seriously a messed up ride for sure.  I am sitting here, calm on the outside, but bursting at the seams inside.  I know how I am feeling, I know what I am feeling and I know why I am feeling like this but I can't express it.  I will have to just do it metaphorically and to be honest anyone who really knows me could absolutely guess what it is and to even further my honesty, I could just be totally blunt about it but something tells me not to be.  My status just now on facebook is "Life always takes you to places you never knew you would go, but what about the trips your heart takes you too? those places where you don't know what to think, do or say, you just know what you feel...?" Isn't that so true?  Granted I just made it up but really that's what it's like for me right now.  It has nothing to do with eating or working out or this competition, or money.  Only one thing left. I am so confused, I want 6 different things that can't all take place at the same time and I don't know what to do.  I can't even really think of what to write for this blog because all I can think about is how I am thinking.

I guess I will just close this for went welll 1562/32/112/209 ..and..done.  Seriously, you know there is something wrong when I can't even type thoughts.  They are so jumbled I can't even sort them...

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