Thursday, July 21, 2011

Summer school stressin'

FITSPO today is compliments of Melissa Le Man!  You look AMAZING girl and you are such an inspiration!!! One of this days I can be my own FITSPO!
So last night I started stressin hard core over this semester.  Trying to complete a Power Point without the final version, no one is sending me the updated version, some of the documents are missing, a publisher document can't be inserted into a Power Point document and I still have two 8 page papers to write and 2 online tests to take in which I have not even started listening to the lectures and I am not going to be home all day Thursday, Friday or Saturday.  For real, insert every swear word you know::here::  So what happened?  I started stressin and started eating dry cereal so now I was way over my carbs, inacurrate and went to bed early so I no longer had to thing about anything from the paragraph that I just typed

Life is so busy right now, 2 jobs, 3 classes, new relationship (which I am really excited about) and I am pretty good at making it all work but right now I am just super stressed because I know I am going to have to give up some shifts to finish up all of these papers and that really blows because I need money  :(   Anyone who knows me knows how stressed I get over money and with all this credit debt, which half isn't even mine, I can't really afford to take time off but I want "A's" so that is my only option.  I know I am getting much better at recognizing when my stress is here and getting to be a problem but what I am not doing is stopping the association that when I get stressed I need to eat to fill some sort of void, but what is that void exactly?  I think it's just a habit and since there is no food in our house, cereal it was.  I am starting to think I really need to get some protein bars for times like these, I should have just made a shake but I didn't want that.

Anyways, today is going to be another long day and all I can think about is seeing my boyfriend which won't happen until Friday ;/  I need to get off of here and go to the grocery store so I can get some snacks for work today!  I am determined!!!!!!! cya bitches

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