Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bitter with a touch of annoyance

You would think this applies to everyone, right?  I mean we all make mistakes and we are supposed to learn from them but right now I am really annoyed over the fact that I can plan a days worth of what I am going to eat, write it down, bring it with me and STILL not follow it?! I ended today at 1600/44/113/182 because I ate a bunch of air popped popcorn and too many sliced almonds.  The only reason I went over in fat is because I ate peanut butter this morning and then ate the almonds later in the day.  My trainer I can tell has about had it with this little mishaps and rightfully so.  We, I, don't have that much time left and I am getting really frustrated that I can't seem to just get this right.  The frustrated leads to the negative thoughts about being a failure and mind as well give up which leads to me being frustrated, angry and hungry and wanting to binge out on food.  Now I know that is NOT what I want to do right now.  I actually would really LOVE to get in my bed considering my alarm is set for 6am for creepers sake.  I weigh in on Saturday morning and I am just really nervous that I putting myself down the tubes.

I think maybe I am not getting enough fat in with my meals thanks to Vicki bringing it to my attention, but since I only have 36 grams to work with and if I eat5 meals everyday thats not much :(  maybe this is why I am not feeling full?  This is so hard.  I will never say it has been an easy road.  I wish I could say this was a breeze's not...and I am going to bed...blah

1 comment:

  1. I still battle the same problem. Even with a diet prescribed, I tend to cheat even in the slightest bit (one nibble of chocolate or peanut butter in my shake, etc) every day. It's so hard to keep on diet and not stray, so I feel you girl!
