Monday, August 22, 2011

8 weeks out!

I can't believe I only have 8 weeks left until I (hopefully) walk up on stage and strut my stuff showin off my hard work.  I will tell you right now I never went into this thinking it was easy but I definitely did sorta, just a little bit think I would do a little better than I have.  Regardless of what anyone says, it's much easier to eat like shit and be lazy but nothing can explain how lean feels and even though I would die to eat a whole apple pie, chocolate cake with frosting AND a pan of brownies, eating healthy makes me feel so much better.  Not only that but my confidence has increased too, something that was always up and down.  

Right now I still do not think I have a good handle on balancing the "bad" foods with the "good" and if the competition was tomorrow I would fear what would become of me the next day.  I do not want to go back to the old habits I had and I greatly fear this happening.  Why? well, think about it, at this point the eating aspect of it has to be spot on, so as hard as it fucking was to not eat even one of the pieces of roasted potatoes my dad made for dinner today I stuck to what was on my plate.  It's also only 7pm and I know in 2 hours (if I know myself well sooner than that) I will start to get hungry again.  I am not sure how I will cope afterwards but I really shouldn't let my mind get that far ahead, right?  It's hard not to, I even told my boyfriend I am afraid of the after b/c I can see myself getting into a binge mode and no being able to get out of it.  I WANT to eat healthy and I know what it feels like to eat so much shit it makes me sick but sometimes I don't care.  Let's take Thanksgiving for example...ok wait, let's not...mmmm all the good stuff that day! My FAVORITE holiday for obvious reasons.

Today I did well, I stuck to the macros assigned to me, went a little bit over in the carb department but overall good:
Meal 1- Out of the Abs diet cookbook, 1 whole grain spinach tortilla, 2 eggs, 1 scallion, 2 tbsp salsa, 2 tbsp 2% mexican cheese, whey with coffee
Meal 2-Whey with coffee, 6 oz carrots, 3 celery stalks
Meal 3- whey with water, yogurt with 1tbsp crushed walnuts (super hard not to get more but I knew if I did II would be in trouble)
Meal 4- 1 whole package stir fry veg, 10 ounces chicken

Done for today..I am going to spend the rest of the night relaxing..reading..and yes, coloring!

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