Sunday, May 15, 2011

You can eat...

so much more food when you eat healthy!  I am pretty sure today is the first day I honestly realized how hard it was reaching my macros because I had so many calories left! 

I guess when I started, I should have put a warning on this blog.  I mean, it is MY blog and so I am allowed to write whatever I want so I do appologize for any straying from competition prep talk but who am I kidding, I am a woman!  The past few days have been emotional, Desperate Housewives finale made me cry, devastating.  My past is still the present for me and PMS is right around the corner, although I am pretty sure PMS started Friday when I was a raging bitch 2 airplane rides back to Buffalo.  Whatever.  No one wants vacation to end.

I am an emotional eater, when I get sad, angry, depressed, I want to eat those feelings.   I find comfort in food manufacturers made exactly for that purpose.  The past few days though, aside from going through a lot mentally, I have been feeling AWESOME about getting back to eating healthy.  I haven't felt like I was starving at any point today and like I said before I even found it difficult :GASP: to consume all of my calories while reaching my macros.  I also believe that drinking more water has definitely helped out with that as well. 

Tomorrow I start my new training routine and I am SO EXCITED!  I only worked out once this past week, my body definitely needed the rest.  I am not one to miss any workouts but this just felt right.  I am really nervous about my cardio routine.  Before all of this I was one of those people that had this worked out to a science.  I could binge and then overexercise on cardio to make up for it the next day and stayed pretty much the same weight.  Only thing is, this is also another bad cycle I fell into that I want to get out of.  Man, even being a Personal Trainer I would NEVER tell any of my clients some of the things I was personally doing.  I seriously don't make sense sometimes.  Anyways, my cardio routine is very light and I am actually worried that I am going to lose a lot of my endurance that I gained along the way.  I won't be able to run anymore and what about the elliptical?  Will I get winded if I ever try it again?

Another awesome day at getting in my macros..I am the bomb when I try! :)  A little low on the calorie end but I'd rather take in less calories and reach all my macros than the other way around!  Catch ya'll on the flip side!

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