Saturday, May 21, 2011

Dance the night away

Any other weekend, I would be getting ready, snacking on stuff, coming back to the computer, snack some more, put on some make-up, snack some more.  I can't believe just by holding myself accountable to not only my trainer but myself as well how different I can be, how I can actually achieve things I always wanted to but never gave it my all.  By now I would have given in, given up and consumed an additional 300 calories (if not more) just wasting time. 

I am hungry right now, not going to deny that at all, but I am saving my last few hundred calories for a coffee and protein powder so I can stay up all night and dance with my good friend Nicole!  I was going to take a nap after work, life can bring you down even when you just thought you were in a good mood.  A lot of things I internalize with my family and things I can't really spit on about on here.  Anyways, I don't want food to change my mood or determine whether or not I will have a good day or bad day.  I think right now it's just tough because although I am eating healthy, I have to watch my macros and I LOVE carbs, I just do.  I am a stubborn italian who loves carbs and food in general and 130 grams oisn't a lot to me.  What is also frustrating is that yes I am eating healthy, but still some of those healthy foods aren't really doing me any good.  For example my fake chicken patty today had over 500 mg of sodium.  What the hell am I doing eating these anyways?  I have already determined I am going to eat chicken so therefore I am no longer considering myself to ever be a vegetarian again.  Seafood and chicken is where I draw the line with occasional red meat but no pork, no bacon.  I guess I will just be a picky meat eater and join the rest of the world.  I also don't want to bore myself into suicide during this process and if I don't introduce some new things into my diet I may end up near that.

Summer school starts next week and I have classes Tuesdays and Thursdays and am also taking an online class.  I have already taken steps to get somewhat ahead and doing things for my online class.  Money will always be my number one stress item, but I haven't taken 3 classes since undergrad back in 2007 so I really hope my task and time management skills will come back quickly.

After my coffee and protein powder my macros will be 1540/31/138/189 and I was 140 this morning so I am proud to say I made it through my first week alive and weighing less!  Off to dance the night away..hopefully with someone hot!!! I could use a good make out session right about now!! BAHAHAHHA

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