Thursday, June 23, 2011

Time Conflict

Great FITSPIRATION from Jillian Michels today!  I am sitting down, after just eating my last meal for tonight which I am actually quite sad about.  Today my calories didn't take me very far.  I just got really hungry so ate the rest of my chicken I got from Wegman's earlier, ate half a sausage left over from the parents dinner then decided I needed popcorn.  Tracking as I am eating and I realize if I eat the whole 100 calorie bag I will be in the 140's for carbs so I stop at half a bag and eat some scrammies of fritos scoops without actually eating any more than 5 whole ones.  Anyways, I ended at about 1525/38 (woops how did that happen)/135/168.  Not gonna sweat over it but I definitely know why I am craving food so bad. (1) I have only had 11 glasses of water so far (2) I skipped class to catch up on some lectures for my online class and being home is associated with being bored and therefore being hungry and therefore unnecessarily eating.  This time though, I stopped myself before it got out of hand I just might finish a few more lectures and head to bed.  I know right, it's only 7:56pm! what the F is wrong with me? Well my subject line today if you noticed is time this is where I tell you why I am going to be in bed before 9.

I was supposed to work at 12 tomorrow and close lunch but someone had to switch and I wanted to help out and come in at 1030 instead.  Only problem is I WANT to (I was going to write HAVE, but really I want to and NEED) to workout because I already took 1 day off and I was planning on taking my other day off on Saturday so that Sunday I could workout with any time restraints.  Considering my last workout is arms which takes forever..oh Trainer...oh Trainer.. lol  Anyways, so working at 1030 means I have to be done working out at 10 to shower and get ready by 1030.  I will have to do my cardio from 930-10 and so therefore do weights from 830-930 which means leaving the house at 8, getting up at 645-700.  YIKES!  I have totally mastered the back tracing of time in order to figure out when I have to rise.  Looks like it will be with the birds tomorrow.

Today, besides this little blurp of hunger because of skipping class which BTW I totally emailed my professor and told her I was not going to lie that I am behind on stuff from working etc., that life happens and I had to catch up.  I am hoping my all out honesty will allow me to not be ::cringes-face-over-saying-this-word:: penalized.  I came into work today thinking I was going to be expo.  They told me to clock in as trainee and I learned fry side!  I may be crazy for thinking so but it was great!  So different than being on the other side.  It wasn't insane busy, and so I got to learn a lot.  It's definitely helpful already knowing the food items and what goes on them, now I just have to build them.  I think I did a really good job, I think everyone was impressed.  A few people asked if I was back there by choice, a few people have expressed that I will hate it in days and a few others flat out told me not to do it but I wanted to.  I need another new challenge to go along with this competition journey and what better challenge than learning to cook fry at Applebees?  Anyways, my M.O. is more hours and hopefully more money in my check.  UB has taken me for all I am worth pretty much!

Oh yes, 1 more thing before I go.  Yesterday I didn't want to post this just in case what was supposed to happen didn't but a guy came and sat at the bar, I thought he was extremely attractive and so I had the bartender figure out if he was single.  Let me stop here and explain why I didn't want to (1) I had no make-up on, I ALWAYS wear make-up at work and b/c of my eye infection I had to throw everything out (it was a tragedy at the garbage can) (2) I was actually really busy and even spritzed on some "Very Sexy so the few times I got to speed by he could smell me :)  Anyways, in the end he is single, the bartender told him I would be working tomorrow and to come back.  What the bartender forgot to take note of was that I wasn't serving.  So today I made sure everyone was aware of what this guy looked like because I was cooking I couldn't just leave the station and go out there.  I had it in my head that he wasn't coming and then all of a sudden someone came back and said "he has just arrived"  So me being the apparently ballsy girl I have grown to be, wrote my number on a piece of paper with my name, went up to him and said "I am the girl that inquired about you yesterday, but I am cooking, so here is my number, call me if you want" then I walked away and realized I didn't even introduce myself.  My heart was having a serious mini attack people, adrenaline junky for SURE!  So I turned around quickly, went back and asked his name "Taylor" "Talia" we shook hands and I like literally ran away, I think he might have seen my heart palpitate through my shirt.  Apparently he was smiling and excited after, I really have no idea and I haven't heard from him yet so we will see.  I really hope that he does!  If not, oh well, I took the chance, better than letting it pass by, right?  So I definitely had an exciting day! 

Tomorrow is my last day before I weigh in again and although I am not as anxious as last week, I still am nervous.  I am sure I will experience yet another mini attack before I get on the scale so I def have to make sure I hit my numbers and my water count perfect tomorrow!  I know I can do it, I just have to make sure I plan it all out.  I don't foresee myself going out tomorrow night, I still have a lot of lectures to do and a Pretty Little Liars episode to catch up on!!! Hope everyone had a great day!  It's legs for me tomorrow and you KNOW I will be up and at that gym by the time I had above!!!

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