Not sure if anyone is familiar with the term "thinspo" so let me explain. I have seen two different versions of how it's interpreted, one is that they are pictures of very thin girls and girls whom have an eating disorder (anorexia/bulemia) strive to look like. If you were to google thinspo and look at images, you would be disgusted. Another definition I have seen is that it is a "pro-ana" or "pro-anorexia" concept but that promotes anorexia as a healthier "choice" not a disorder. Either way, it's crazy, right? I wish these girls would come to realize what healthy really is.
Anyways, the reason I brought this up is because I found the above picture that someone posted in my "Fit For Life" group on facebook. (By the way if you haven't "liked" this group yet, I would suggest it, I have never had so much inspiration and motivation in my daily life). So I tracked it back to the person who originally posted it and it was on someones blog but instead of posting thinspo she posts whats called FITSPO!
FITSPO are inspirational pictures of fit, healthy woman who workout, have muscles, even pictures of healthy foods etc and I think this could be a HUGE part of my blog because I really like the concept! Seeing pictures like this I think not only motivates me but makes me realize that what I am doing, eating healthy and working out DAILY is something I have set out to achieve and NO ONE can take that away from me!
Today I had a few people compliment me on my progress so far and that is the absolute BEST! When people start to notice, compliment, comment, it makes me feel so amazing that all of my hard work is really paying off! It's really weird, today I started thinking, well what happens when I reach my goal and I do the competition and then it's over? I literally started to get sad thinking about it, but I'm coming to realize, this is just the BEGINNING! I am on this journey for LIFE! not just until October for a competition but like the other people I have met so far that have done one, do another, are excited to push themselves even further and those girls are the BEST inspiration around! I have never in my life have had so many people around me that are all into the same things. Even though we are dispersed all over the world, live in different places and have never actually met just the positive influences are a push all on it's own! When I first started working out way back in like 2006 I didn't have anyone to give me advice, just fitness forums where I got confused with all the different, conflicting information. I feel like now I am FINALLY surrounded with exactly all the right people and I couldn't be happier!
A little bit about my day, I killed some carbs in the morning. Not sure what it was but I def was craving them and I do not have much food to work off of right now considering I just paid off my $3500 some odd tuition bill. We were pretty busy at the Bee's and then I had to work in Alden right after that. For some reason, being at my second job ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS makes me hungry. I ate when I got there at 5 and I was so hungry by 7. Luckily, I had someone come visit me and it made me realize I wasn't hungry at all. Glad I didn't eat because when I got home I tracked and I am at 1546/30/135/197. Surprisingly enough, I am getting pretty good about these numbers! I debated while I was cleaning up on bringing a salad home but for some reason I said F*-it and never did and I'm glad otherwise I would have been extremely disappointed if I couldn't eat it. I have been trying to make eating not such a big deal like I usually do/did. I would go insane if I couldn't eat every 3 hours on the hour or ever 4 hours. I remember coming to work sometimes after a workout, wanting to eat what I brought before I started working and couldn't because we would get busy right away. I can put myself in that EXACT position right now and tell you how aggravated I was, how annoyed I felt and I literally let it affect my service. Now I just eat as I go, do what I gotta do and eat when I can and as long as it's roughly every 3-4 hours I am happy. I definitely have to keep reminding myself that I need to eat to live that I'm not living to eat!
I was just thinking about writing a post on this today - I love the concept :) and I am excited to follow your competition journey!
Hi Talia,
ReplyDeleteI'm new to all of this online in 5th paragraph the #'s (1546/30/135/197) and wondered if you have a blog entry that explains what this is, how it works, etc. ?
You're a phenomenal young woman...Keep going strong!
do as much as you can while you're young because when you're older, it's SO MUCH more difficult to accomplish dreams and goals.