yes, seriously, I did just eat that less than 20 minutes ago along with a bunch of other random shit because there is nothing to eat. I am currently sitting here typing this and thinking I better get shit ready to go but I can't seem to move. It's hot as balls out and everything seems to be sticking together. gross. I am really excited about a few things today. First, after 3 days off I am getting my ass back into that gym and killin it! My macros the past few days have been really up and down considering the other reason I am really excited about, being in a new relationship. Scary, seriously who am I? I pretty much swore off all man-kind and wanted to devote my life to being single but ever since I met this guy, I guess I can put his name in here now, Taylor, life has been great and I can't let him pass me by. I'm not going to lie though, I want it to work so bad that I find myself doing things way different than in the past, but I supposed that's a good thing, right? That's why we have a learn from it.
OMG SOMETHING MAGICAL JUST dad gave me my pay! I can buy food!!!!! ::angel voices break out over my head:: ok, am pretty sure I left off at Sunday where my macros ended up being 1150/19/109/131 let's just say that night I got home at 3 am :) Yesterday when I got home I was super hungry and so I decided to eat some taco beef at midnight along with some mozzarella cheese, are we seeing a pattern here with this damn beef?! Anyways I was so sure I wasn't going to kill my macros but ended up at 1644/41/119/190 sorry Trainer! Better job at this the rest of the week
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