Writing this now because I have to get up at the ass crack of dawn to get this killer shoulder workout in. I am sorta dreading it but breading its length, loving the fact that I am gonna get an awesome workout in! Tomorrow marks the last day before I have to weigh in and I'm not going to bullshit I do not think I lost, if anything I am pretty sure the scale will be up because of this past weekend and my period. Not gonna dwell, don't work hard in the kitchen, not gonna show on the scale. People need to understand it has to be both, yes, including MYSELF! I ended today with 1563/32/124/185 and all of my water. I also need to start bloggin about that too. Yesturday was actually 1557/23/147/189 because I forgot to log some broccoli hahah. Today went relatively well, I did go a little long without eating from when I left applebees at around 4 to until I went food shopping and ate some rice cakes on the way home. Then I got home and had some protein powder. I have decided that starting tomorrow I am going to take fish oil again and hopefully in 2 months I will see a change back to where my hair and nails used to be. I can't imagine it would take that long? I was taking them for awhile and have only stopped for 2 months. I ate my nails right now, I have to keep cutting them because they are so brittle and crack in dumb spots and then I have like 10 different lengths. Not sexy at all.
I don't think I will be doing much tomorrow night except chillin over at my sisters house and I finally went food shopping tonight so I have a few thigns to keep me until I start running out again. I also really want to make some of this stuff I have been seeing my friend kristin make. Well she shows me the websites and I say, wow that looks really good and I should make it but I never do. I am still learning that I need to plan, that I need to cook that I need to do many things but I also am a realist. This means I know I am not perfect, I need to accept my imperfections, accept the times I have gone astray from my diet but be happy that I can pull myself back up by realizing that continuing the cycle will never get me anywhere. When that scale says 133 or even god forbid any higher than that it will just prove that I can't have my cake and eat it too. I am counting down the days and as I just said that and just typed that I realize I don't want to count them down, I want to make them count! I don't want to make the time go by fast..I want to enjoy everyday to it's fullest!
Looking forward but also dreading this shoulder workout tomorrow. I looked at it while I was doing legs today and I said under my breath, a little f-you to my trainer. It's gonna be super tough but I am looking forward to killing it! I am also looking forward to going into my 9th week. Wondering what my trainer will tweet for my workouts and I am kinda hoping my diet changes a little. I'm not gonna lie I think I need to get real, get serious and crack down that whip! Hope everyone has a FIT-TASTIC day!!
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