Wednesday, July 6, 2011

It's Wednesday!

I don't know anyone who is excited as I am today because it's Wednesday.  No one else really cares, right?  Well I do!!!!! why? DUH a boy!  I told him last night that this isn't real, he must be imagined and I must be dreaming.  I'm not sure he got it, although I think he probably did.  I'm in the clouds...

Today for breakfast I had some organic vegetable soup, no salt added, so I added in some pepper and italian spice which also has no salt and a protein shake.  I plan on eating every 3 hours and keeping myself full!  Back day at the gym and I am sooo ready to rock it!! My stomach feels a little better than it did yesterday but it's still saying to me "please be kind to me from now on"  I know what I need to do now I need to find a way to make sure I am doing it.  No more giving in to any bad foods, and I also believe I need to think more about the decision I am about to make rather than just making it.  For example, if I have had a bad day where I haven't been able to eat as planned and I get hungry and just want to grab everything in site to really stop and think about whats around me that I can make a meal with.  Also, boredom is a huge factor, when I am bored and food is available if all else fails, I eat.  That needs to stop too which is really easy to do at Applebee's but for some reason harder to accomplish at my family restaurant.  

My goal for today is to hit my macros and kill it at the gym.  Making today count!  Taking it minute by minute, enjoying being alive, healthy and keeping that end goal in mind, walking across that stage lookin hott!!  I have exactly 108 days until I get to show off what I have accomplished and I want to show the world that I accomplished what I set out to accomplish with some set backs, with some negatives but that I prevailed and got past it, built myself stronger, made the mistakes to learn from them and do awesome!!!


  1. You rock girl. Keep up the good work and you'll see the results that day when you are on stage.
    Thanks for the inspiration as well.

  2. Thank you!!!!! I am so happy people read these!!!! and I like when people comment haha
