It's time to change what I am doing daily and this blog is marking an important part in my competition journey. Tomorrow I am starting a regimen I have been dreading to start and hoping to avoid this whole time. My main gain was to stop binging and I haven't done so. I wanted to change my eating habits and I only have slightly, I have definitely changed my body and so I guess I am not that far off but I know this lifestyle change for my eating habits has to go in the other direction. There has been too much pussy footing around and I hate the feeling I get when I think about putting in all of this effort to not walk across that stage.
First of all I would like to label some major trigger foods. Wait, before I do that let me explain what I will be doing, a more strict and laid out meal plan every day from now until competition, I will say for this moment and this moment only there will be 2 days from now until that time that will be more difficult to manage. The first is labor day with my family and the 2nd is a wedding in september. Ok so back to these trigger foods. Honestly it's like I am under a demonic possession when I get a craving for these things and then it sets off a domino effect, and the inner demon tells me I should just start consuming every other food possible that makes me want to binge even more and send myself into a food como and bed ridden for 16 hours. Ow, my stomach hurts just thinking about it. So drum roll's going to be very hard to not eat these things, but I will be better for it. Let me just put it this way, if I can lay off alcohol since March, I can lay off junk food for 2 months!! Lets get this going!
-trail mix of any kind
-chips- this includes tortilla chips also
-ice cream
-bread of any kind
-cheese of any kind
-anything deep fried
-almond slivers
I am sure this list will continue. I was also writing this down and I am going to carry this with me so that when I get a craving for something I will look at this first to remind me that it will only take me down a path I don't want to go!
I want to do this more than anything and I know it's all on me. 892374 people can give me advice and tell me what I should be doing but I need to actually use the tools in order to change anything. Starting now I am devoting myself 150% to being spot on with calories etc and hitting the gym hard. I promise to blog as often as I can, I want to try and do it every day but I know with school and internship coming up it will be impossible. I will be blogging my intake and my meals for that day! I am going to need everyone's support now more than ever. I want to conquer this binge eating once and for all. I now longer want it to be a part of my life and after thinking about how much time and effort I am putting into this competition and then being told I can't do it is NOT going to happen!
I like this post! My trigger foods include nuts and cookies, too! Once I start, I have the HARDEST time stopping. I also had a wedding during my prep, it was 3 weeks out. I had to pack all my food and not eat any of the foods they had there. Honestly though, I didn't stick to my diet and had my first binge of my entire prep that night. It was hard and I wish I hadn't done it but we all live and learn! Best of luck to you!
ReplyDeleteThanks superwoman! It is really hard! I friggin love nuts! for real! stuff like that is so hard to stop eating once you start!!! grrrr we can do this though! how did the competition go? did u do it yet??