I have off from classes for two weeks and then all hell breaks loose. I am getting sad thinking about how little time I will have between school, work, internship hours and seminars. I already don't get much free time ;( that's life I guess though, I will make it work if I want it to and I do so I will! DUH! My schedule is out of control though just check this out. Monday:work am, school pm and by work I mean ok I start at 12, but I will be up early everyday to workout like ALWAYS (I must admit, I am a lucky I am able to do this). Ok so work 12-430ish, maybe work 1030-whenever. Class from 6:00-850. Tuesday work, wednesday work am, school pm, thursday work am, school pm, friday work from 12-9, saturday seminar from 10-1150 and work at 4 and sunday off. This still doesn't include my internship that will be two days a week so take 2 work days away and I am going to have to work either saturday mornings or sunday mornings or pick up a shift on tuesday nights. YIKES! This semester is going to be a lot tougher than the summer! I have to stop thinking about it or I am gonna get depresed at the lack of time I will have in my social life. rarrr
Let's chat about my macros/meals yesterday..
meal 1-1 whey, 1 mini cliff bar, 1 fruit crisp bowl
meal 2- post workout- 1 whey with glutamine, 3 celery stalks
meal 3-2 rice cakes, 1 chocolate rice cake, 1 cup blueberries- obviously having a carb attack
meal 4- 12 ounces chicken breast, 1 celery stalk, walden farms bacon dressing
meal 5- 2 ounces chicken, 1 chocolate rice cake
1254/15/120/151- over on carbs, under on fat..joy
Today: was awesome! I woke up next to my boyfriend and I absolutely LOVE it! I went over there after I got out of work and I couldn't help but kiss him RIGHT AWAY! I couldn't wait to get there, I was driving there and even texted him saying it frickin takes forever to get there! I slept over, we watched a movie, well mostly I did because he fell asleep but he had his arms around me, so I let it slide :) I waited for him to get out of his class in the morning, chilled with the dog, took her outside and then for a walk and of course she shits on someones lawn. I do not have a plastic bag. So, I had to ask a random person outside because he CLEARLY saw her and probably thought to himself, awesome, this chicks just going to leave the shit there isn't she? I couldn't, that's just wrong. Wrong I tell you! When he got back we went to the Niagara Gun Range to check out handguns, you know, typical Sunday afternoon relationship things. LMAO. Then went to wegmans and bought stuff to cook dinner. Dinner was DELICIOUS! Creole salmon with steamed broccoli and roasted potatoes! SOOOO good! Watched a movie together and then I had to leave because I was getting sad thinking about leaving him. I think it's really insane the way I am feeling right now about this guy. I like him A LOT. He makes me so happy, he always makes me smile, always makes sure I am happy and I love the way he holds me, looks at me, kisses me. It's awesome. I never felt the way I feel right now and it feels so good.
Meal 1-1 whey
Meal 2-1 apple, 6 ounces chicken
Meal 3- 6oz chicken, 1 whey, 3 whole carrots, 3 celery
meal 4- 8 ounces salmon with creole sauce, 2 cups broccoli, 1 side oven roasted potatoes, ketchup
meal 5- peanuts in the shell, yes, I eat the shell too and this was at 1130pm, meal 4 was at about 630 and I am hungry and need to eat something before bed but this is it. I am actually probably thirsty but hell to the no I am NOT drinking water right now before bed, so to bed Talia goes so no more food goes into her mouth!